Monday, May 21, 2007

What was normal?

Today was as close to normal as i could have asked for. It's great to be home, even if i have mounds of laundry to start, weeds to pull and i want to rearrange the furniture (again!) I ended up doing the ultimate escape from indoor chores by just going outside. Friends came over for coffee and Tready and i didn't get out of our pajamas until 11:00.

From talking to Cancer Survivors and their families, I gather that life is forever changed once you've been thru "It". I think back to the time before i heard the word"sarcoma" in the doctors office...not long ago, mind you....and my most pressing concerns were Roller Derby situations, taking care of my 2 part-time jobs and when i should get my tattoo finished. Of course, my priority was-and-is my little light of my life, Tready...but i sure had a lot of other things occupying my thoughts and time.

My lil' ole journey has only just started April12, 2007...and the majority of the time has been spent waiting. Waiting on tests, phone calls, 2nd opinions, appointments, etc.

In the meantime, I've managed to stay busy with all sorts of things. I thought the busier i was, the less i might think about "It"...but its inevitable that all thoughts lead back to "It." Whether I was trying to apply Henna at the coldest American Music Festival ever, or perform 3 HA-larious nights whistling Journey in a variety show here in Nac...I'd go to bed exhausted, and the thoughts would be there waiting for me.

I don't even know what we are going to do about this Bunion yet...we are still waiting to find out. Waiting isn't so terrible if you fill the time with important/special things and thoughts. Today I went to skate practice and skated as fast as i could go. Tomorrow, I'll start that laundry and play with Tready.

I suppose i may look back post-surgery and think that these "were the days"...things are still pretty normal.


KB said...

I'm a compulsive furniture rearranger too! I know that's not normal.

Let's have coffee soon.

LH the DH said...

Thanks for helping us all keep it in perspective.....

If I were in the neighborhood, you know I'd be there for some coffee talk!



Chrissy said...

You know, I used to think about Jack Bauer saving the world one every few years was pretty amazing, but he ain't nothing compared to you. Think about it - Jack only has to deal with his problems for a measly 24 hours, and you've been going strong since April 12th! It's clear who the real hero is...

Emily Sloan said...

Hey Ruby,
Gerry has shared your knee-bunion news and blog with me. You are truly a special person...thanks for sharing and spreading your upbeat words and spirit. You are my hero!

I am living here in Houston...cell: 936-544-4705/

whistlersmother said...

I am so proud of you. I just can't imagine the faith it takes for you to be so strong. You are indeed an inspiration to all of us. I love reading your "thoughts" each day. They are just like you..funny, smart - and heart warming. Thanks for sharing so much. Just in case there might be someone who only knows the "kick-ass" roller derby chick - or the beautiful whistling performer or fabulous artist - I'd like to expose another side. This is the same soft hearted gal who lead her friends to a VA parade consisting of 3 or 4 ancient vet's..because she was afraid no one would show up. She loves going to the nursing homes (often with Tready) to bring a little joy by singing or whistling..or just being herself and showering some love on the elderly without family or friends. She is child of God, and a believer who exemplifies God's love. You have blessed us all...and I know He will bless you. We all love you dearly, WM

Kristen Ruby "Lips" Woodard aka Smack Bauer #24 said...

aw, shucks, mom!
are you trying to make me cry and loose my stiff upper lip???'re my biggest fan!
(i'm glad you skipped over some of the teenage year stories!)

Zay said...

i wanna hear the "ruby as a teen" stories...i bet you were a handful. heh

Mary T-Allen said...

Me too! Bring on Teen Ruby stories! (I already know there was a gum incident in 8th grade.)