Monday, January 28, 2008

tweet tweet tweet

I just posted some drawings/paintings to my Starved Artist site. I'm going to go back and write some thoughts about them after i write here. I'm just glad to have stayed on track by making time to create some art...its time to get caught up here, too. Poor little Knee-Bunion site: i've been ignoring you:(

i actually did some writing about Costa Rica last week, but didn't post it because i wanted to accompany it with some pictures. I couldn't get my computer to cooperate, so i've saved it for later.

So, after drawing/painting 3 pictures of Birds from Costa Rica, i thought i could at least share the following tidbit with you....

I thought it was funny that, of all the wickedly colorful birds that live in Costa Rica, the national bird is the Clay-Colored Robin. I guess if you are CLAY-colored, you might really stick out in such a rainbow-y population. Actually, I was told that it is the first birdsong you hear really early in the morning and its really pretty. i had to take their word for it.

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