Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fun People

i have been sitting at this same table from 11:00 to after 5:00. I've gotten so into catching up on my blog, and putting pictures up, that i totally skipped lunch. If it weren't for the folks who just sat next to me with some delicious smelling food, i wouldn't have realized how hungry i am.

the day has also flown by because, once again, i met some fun people. i have't even written about the people i've met yesterday...or even the day before, for that matter. I'll have to catch up, then go eat. (Durn blog obsession!)

Today i am sitting in a popular place for assistants and cafeteria workers to eat lunch. I guess the tables are at a minimum , because i had 4 ladies pull up some chairs to sit at my table. It was really funny because they were venting about working here, since i was working on the computer, talked as if i wasn't even sitting here. At some point, they worked me into the conversation, mainly because i couldn't help but laugh with them at some of the stories.

One of the ladies had such an addiction to OREO cookies, she had one tattooed on her arm! She talked about how her kids aren't allowed to touch her cookies and she knows if they've gotten into them because she counts them. She buys them in bulk. Her friends were teasing her about it, and i suggested that we find a support group for her. "Surely you aren't alone" I told her. "There has to be other people out there, just like you, whose friends just don't understand". So we found the Oreo website and saw that they are having a contest for people to sing their jingle. She is from Jamaica and wasn't familiar with the song, so i played it on the computer. By the time lunch was over, all of us were singing the OREO jingle and laughing.

Now you can understand how i managed to skip lunch, eh? i'm off to the cafeteria now!


Zay said...

all that talk about oreo cookies...*sigh* sitting here in my office and now craving some oreos with some ice cold milk.

speaking of favorite foods and tattoos...kreg has mentioned that if he were to get what he loved tattooed on him he would get a plate of enchiladas tattooed on his belly.

i threatened divorce right afterwards. :)

narnim said...

Hi Ruby,
Funny stuff. I had just red this blog and heard on CNN that this week marks the 90th anniversary of the OREO Cookie!

Love YOU dear! Much good thoughts for you and Brad and Tready!

Hope you are doing great! I really like your blogs. I wish my dad had blogged while he was going thru his treatment at MD. Although, his Interferon treatment did not leave him feeling all that fine. Once he finished the treatment, he miraculously found that he was a fantastic painter. I would love to share some of his paintings with you someday.
