Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Random thoughts, part II

What is that skating rink smell? I went to the skating rink in Humble yesterday, and immediately felt at home once that funky fragrance hit me. Maybe its the sweaty boys excreting prepubescent pheromones while they show off for the girls by speed skating? Or maybe its a kooky concoction of old skates, dirty socks and cotton candy...i wanna know! Rollergirls, what do you think?

just thinking about pickles makes my mouth water.

How is it that a little black girl can make me think of my son? I find myself staring at little kids and their parents and grinning. I miss my lil 'un. A realization hit me like a ton of bricks the other day: i love being a mama. I love to hear Tready say "mama"....hell, i even like to hear other kids say it.

i feel like such a Bumpkin driving in the city. Even though it seems like i tick off the Houston drivers on a regular basis, at least i'm learning my way around. One time it took me 9 hours to get from Houston to Nacogdoches...normally a 3 hour drive!! i accidentally got on 59 going south instead of north...( mom said "Just get on 59 and in 3 hours you'll be there!") So i looked at my clock, figured what time it'd be in 3 hours, turned up the music and got comfy driving. About the time i saw signs saying "Rio Grande" i got a bad feeling that i'd screwed was almost "3hours later" and i realized "Hey...if SFA was near the Rio Grande, seems like i would have heard that by now." ( i should mention that i was a mere freshman with little experience driving to college yet...) SO: i turned around, drove another 3 hours to arrive back where i had started. By the time i got Bac to Nac, it was 9 hours later, yikes! I tell this story at the risk of sounding like a the hopes my readers can see some humor in it. ( well, also, to bring home the point how excellent it is that i am learning my way around.)


Matt said...

That section of 59 has confounded many a driver in Houston.

Anonymous said...

I am soooo not suprised you went the wrong way. I am so sad I have not read the blog before now. Don't worry. I have gone back to the beginning and am catching up. Looking forward to the next Karaoke night!!!

Zay said...

hola sexy! you need to ask for one of those snazzy gps systems for your car. i do sympathize since i'm one of those people who can get lost in her own backyard. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

I love keeping up with your blog and mentally send you well wishes and prayers daily. You should ask Roly how to get to Cafe Epicure in Houston, they have great desserts.


FAKE DADA said...

i've been lost for hours when i started out only a half hour from my house. my sense of direction is similar to that of a retarded 2 year old monkey.