Saturday, August 25, 2007

There! That's much better.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (big sigh!)

i just took my first real bath at home. I spent 10 cathartic minutes scrubbing and rubbing off all the remaining adhesives from IV bandages, thus putting the hospital experience a little further behind me. (What in the heck do they use for that stuff? Its better than really took that long, no joke.)

Even though that was the most awkward bath ever, it could have also been the best one. I've been getting "washed" from little pink plastic tubs and rags, while sitting in the bed hooked up to machines. This one involved my beloved jacuzzi, an empty margarita bucket (for pouring water), a big black trash bag (to cover my enormous cast) and a white plastic lawn chair (for sittin'). It took way longer than any bath i've had, but i feel like a million bucks...well, maybe $198,000,000 and some change.


Zay said...

Hello there! :)

Are you really finally home??

Reading this entry brought back memories of when Kreg had a metal rod inserted into his leg and he had to wear a cast up to his hip. I remember how awkward it was for him to try and keep his leg out of the bathtub as he tried to wash the rest of himself.

It sounds like you have a technique that works. :)


Kristen Ruby "Lips" Woodard aka Smack Bauer #24 said...

especially when you can't put weight on it...its uber awkward!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe YOU were happy to take a bath (in light of the whole bathing converstion that ensued when I visited)! Irony of ironies!