Monday, October 08, 2007

Who do i smell like?

I don't smell like myself. I smell like the little Pink Lady at the hospital who gave me a sweet Big Hug this morning...and it reminds me of someone, or some other time. I'm pretty sure its Estee Lauder's Beautiful (help me out, mom...did mimi wear that?). Anyhoo, I got that hug on my way to Physical Therapy today and have been getting whiffs of it all morning.

Oh, Physical Therapy...what to write? On the positive note, i got up to a 74 degree bend! Granted, i was pressing my foot on something and really pushing myself...but i started out at 60 today. Its still uncomfortable to the point of being slightly painful to bend it that much, but the excercises are working.

Its a good thing because, as i started to write earlier, its pretty boring. I'm spending an hour counting 1 one-thousand, 2 one-thousand, 3 one-thousand, 4 one-thousand, 5 one-thousand...for 30 sets. At home I've been using my son's abacus, so it takes less concentration. At the clinic, i am forced to count on my fingers...i can't keep up otherwise. I wonder if i should take some headphones up there to help speed things along. Its hard to believe i've got 9 more weeks of this!!!

At least its working.


Zay said...

75 degree bend!? Nice!

Chaybee said...

Wow, looking good! The muscles remind me of LIPS!

Here is that film I told you about this may have heard about it already: