Saturday, April 26, 2008

Greetings Blogglings

Last night i attended another fun crafty night with the Renegade Craftsters. Even though i didn't participate in the creating, for i was Lil' T's assistant in making a *mess*, I had the inevitable good time.

Everyone made some sweet looking vanilla extract. T and i made some confusing looking sculptures, often mistaken for some sort of cauliflour h'or derves-or-however-you-spellit.

I was talking with one of my friends who i keep up in the Blog-o-sphere and she reminded me that i havent been keeping up on my blog. Yes, its true: so let me see if i can catch up.

I wasted a week of my life last week obsessing manaically about this house:

i was on the phone all day, everyday, trying to rob Peter to pay Paul....i rode by on my bike multiple times, drove out of my way to do drive-bys and gawk to see if someone was there....took pictures, and spent some sleepless nights obsesssing on ways to buy it.i love this door. i love everything about the house....even the hard work it would take to fix it up. ain't happening.
It ends up that i love staying home with lil' T more...and can't fathom going to work and putting him in daycare, just so i can go thru this fancy door everyday.

So, that was my entire week, last week.

This week, I am going to get ready for a garage sale. Who needs a real job?


Zay said... tell of this obsession. i love obsessing over houses. who's selling it? are there photos online?? :)

Mary T-Allen said...

I also love obsessing over a house. We did this with your old house on Walker. It's a little like being in love, which is so fun even if it is fleeting, eh? I can see why you were obsessed with this beaut, but another will come along; plenty of fish in the sea and that.

KB said...

That is one beautiful house. I can see why you are obsessed. Is it on logensport (was the the name of that street with the twin houses?) ... oh no! I'm slowly forgetting Nacogdoches street names. ;-)