This is the sculpture I displayed in Walley Knight's exhibit called "We've Got Soul, Let's Take Control". The theme was focused on music and each artist was asked to choose an inspirational artist to create their work around. I chose Fred Lowery, who was a famous whistler from East Texas.
He had a very challenging childhood, losing both of his parents , then losing his eyesight to scarlet fever by age 2.
Thanks to the Austin School for the Blind, then the "Golden Age of Radio" he was able to make a living whistling all over the U.S.
Here is a portrait of him when he lived in Jacksonville.
The cotton represents the rural beginning of his life. Those other round objects are eyes, to represent his glass eye he was given when he moved to Austin, in addition to showing the "vision" of this blind man's dedication to sharing his music. Having the opportunity to attend that school changed his life. The first time he had ever seen indoor plumbing was on the trainride to Austin.
The entire sculpture lights up, turning these Golden Lips into bright stars in the night sky. This is in reference to the name of the sculpture, which is also the name of Mr. Lowery's autobiography: Whisting in the Dark.
One of the most exciting things about this entire project is that i have been in contact with Mr. Lowery's grandson!! I tried to contact the family to get permission to use some quotes and images from the book, and the grandson has emailed me several times. He actually came to Nacogdoches to see the Art Show!! Isn't that awesome?
This has been a very special project for me, on so many levels. Many thanks to all who came to the show and gave support in my efforts to put this thing together!
Here's to making more art...and Whistling in the Dark!!
Ruby, this is so amazing and I hope I told you so the night of the show! Where will it reside? Is it for sale? I hope you will lead a craft night of sculpey (sp?) some time. I love those eyeballs!
Wish I could see it in person.
Did the show happen already? How was it?
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