Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dear Pee Wee Herman

Dear Pee Wee Herman,
I am your BIGGEST fan in the entire world! ok? See, I have this "little" cat, and i named him Pee Wee, after you. Is that gratitude, or what? AND my mom said she wasn't going to pay for me to be in your club or for a T-shirt unless I worked for it. SO i had to clean out our garage. Our dogs live in our garage, and there was doo-doo that I had to clean out. IT was gross, but you're worth it, right?

ANyway, enclosed is $10.00 for a STYLE B PeeWee Herman X-TRA large T-Shirt AND also enclosed is $6.00 for me to b e in the COOL OFFICIAL PEE-WEE HERMAN FAN CLUB.

Send to your #1 FAN:
Kristen RUby
2925 Turtle Creek
Jonesboro, AR 72401

1 comment:

Mary T-Allen said...

I desperately want a fan club filled with fans like you now. This is the most amazing letter. I assume since you have it that you didn't send it, but if you had and PeeWee didn't keep it forever, he would not be worthy of your fan-ship.