Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Picture this!

i have FINALLY figured out how to upload pix from my phone to the computer!!! Lest i sound really ignorant, let me explain that i have a new fancy "Blackjack" phoneand couldn't for the life of me get the email to work. I also am still familiarizing myself with this laptop my mom so generously gave me. Well, thanks to Photobucket, i have found a way to text message them so i don't have to use that confounded email!!!!

SO, i can now pepper my blogs with some visual aids; OOoooooH! Fancy!

This first installment will harken back to my trip to the zoo with Tready. Of all the fun things we encountered that day, my favorite memory is how he held my hand for entire train ride! It was one of those moments where, as it was happening, i knew it would be a memory i'd never forget. (I took a picture to assure preservation in in my poor memory!)

The other thing that was really memorable that day was this crazy bird i'd never heard of before. I would have saved myself from some unnecessary worrying if only i'd read the plaque with the name "Bleeding Heart Dove". It is the strangest marking i've ever seen~ it really looks like its been stabbed, bitten, pecked at or had some crazy accidental run-on with a stick. I couldn't figure it out...i was looking around for a zoo-keeper to report my suspected bird crime, all the while trying to figure out how in the hell something like that could happen! I'm so glad i saw the sign before i actually found someone. I wonder how many other people have thought the same thing but actually reported it. HA! Idiots.

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